You decide to start a company for a purpose! Mine got clearer after several exchanges with S2 who approached me to help build a marketing and communication strategy for their services. I then though marketing and communication could serve sustainable development. ANT & Co. got founded. The goal and strategy of ANT & Co. is
The rich cooperation between ENDA Energy (Senegal) and S2 Services (Cameroon) roots from a shared vision of supporting the learning process of communities and territories in the fields of Energy and Climate Change. It’s been 9 years already that we have believed in that cooperation and I am happy it was and still is a
In 2014, at Douala City, I worked alongside Hervé and Durando, enthusiastic and ambitious Cameroonians entrepreneurs. An unforgettable memory for me, a professional and personal fabulous experience ! I enjoyed their business approach, their competencies and the expertise gained notably during their European years and their pragmatism and willingness to apply it in their native
In 2010, I met two young and ambitious Engineers and Managers setting a consulting company in Cameroon. Their determination and their will to move forward enabled to break different barriers they were facing as much in the business environment of Cameroon and in a field relatively unknown to many (Sustainable Development and Clean Development Mechanism).
Though I have a lot to say, I will use just a few words to talk about this company combining sustainable development and social welfare. S2 Services is not only a partner, but a friend, an anchor at this particular time in which everything makes you feel alone! When we talk about S2, we are